We are a family business that has been dedicating itself for more than 40 years to the manufacturing of handmade dolls.
In Nines, we are committed to creating products made with lots of love and in a traditional way.
We have been cataloged with the Craftmanship Seal of the Valencian Community. This entity recognizes and endorses our procedures as craftsmanship.
The seal ORIGIN accredits the tradition, authenticity, quality and exclusivity of our dolls.
On the other hand, from the year 2020, we belong to the Spanish Product Association for Early Childhood – ASEPRI, which also recognize us as 100% Made in Spain.
Company contacts
YASMÍN JUAN GIL (Italian Department)
email: italia@ninesart.es
Tel. : +34 96 556 5987 – +34 661591419 .