In the ’80s, surrounded by vintage treasures, Frida Jonsby‘s childhood bike sparked the idea for Banwood. In 2016, unable to find a classic-designed children’s balance bike, Frida and Juan Manuel Torralvo Castro decided to recreate the timeless joy of childhood adventures.
Inspired by Scandinavian design, Banwood was born in Berlin, where Frida and Juan met. They crafted the first balance bike by designing an original frame that reminded Frida’s childhood bike.
“All our Banwood products, including balance bikes, trikes, scooters, skateboards, and pedal bikes, come in an array of pastel colors and vibrant options like red, green, and navy, making them ideal for the Italian market”, say Frida and Juan. “The carefully chosen palette complements the elegance of Italian style, adding a touch of flair to outdoor play”.
Banwood’s iconic designs aim to create lasting memories for children worldwide: “Now based in Spain, our brand continues to expand its beautifully designed collection with the vision of passing down the joy of outdoor play through generations”, they conclude.